Since 1993, our commitment to reliability has led us on an incredible journey with our agents and policyholders. Our dedication to building and fostering these relationships is at the core of who we are, so when they spoke up…we listened.
They expressed their prior frustrations with other workers’ compensation companies and the hurdles they have faced over the years. From fancy gimmicks and unclear incentives, to going round and round with underwriters, it has become clear that some companies simply drop the ball all too frequently.
As we listened carefully to the feedback from our customers and partners, a vision began to emerge. The complicated interaction and slow response times of other companies reminded us of a Rube Goldberg machine, a contraption intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an overly complicated way. This comparison seemed to capture the complexity and additional steps required of agents and policyholders by other insurance companies as part of their workers’ compensation underwriting process.
Please take a moment to watch our version of the Rube Goldberg machine. To us, it illustrates how other workers’ compensation companies have complicated processes and unreliable service. Stonetrust provides a better way – always available and responsive, delivering personalized service every time.